I watched Professor Lou-Chuang Lee Minister Academician of Academia Sinica, Taiwan on Taiwan Outlook television show today.
He discussed several science topics including these:
National Research Programs
Building High-Quality R & D Environment
National Applied Research Laboratories
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
Science Parks Development
Hsinchu Science Park
Development of Biotechnology in Taiwan
From what I am reading on the Internet, Professor Lou-Chuang Lee has a long list of distinguished accomplishments in the areas of space science and plasma physics.
According to this pdf file, http://www.glyco2009.genomics.sinica.edu.tw/docs/CV_NSCM_Lee.pdf, Professor Lou-Chuang Lee's major
research achievements include:
the discovery of gigantic jets in the Earth’s upper atmosphere;
the multiple X-line reconnection model for magnetic flux transfer events;
the turbulence spectrum of interstellar medium;
the formation mechanism of solar prominences;
the cyclotron maser theory for the generation of auroral kilometric radiation;
and a new mechanism for solar coronal heating.
Professor Lou-Chuang Lee has published three academic monographs and over 200 scientific papers.