Monday, August 25, 2008

Space Shuttle Atlantis Beats Weather for Move

I am reading this articel, Space Shuttle Atlantis Beats Weather for Move
By Todd Halvorson, on Space,com

Russian Rocket: All Fueled Up, But No Place to Fly

I am reading this article, Russian Rocket: All Fueled Up, But No Place to Fly
By Jim Oberg, on

Suborbital Rocket Carrying NASA Experiments Crashes off Wallops Island

I am reading this article, Suborbital Rocket Carrying NASA Experiments Crashes off Wallops Island By Brian Berger, on

Spitzer Space Telescope

I heard this story, Spitzer Space Telescope, on NPR this morning during the StareDate broadcast.
The infrared telescope has its fifth anniversary in space today.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

First Star

In a computer experiment, Japanese and U. S. cosmologists have for the first time reliably replicated the recipe for the first star, according to an article in Friday's Wall Street Journal. They were eight years perfecting the experiment.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Saturn's moon Titan

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has detected liquid ethane in a lake near the south pole of Saturn's giant moon Titan. This is the first time that the chemical composition of one of its liquid lakes has been determined. The ethane is likely mixed with methane, other small hydrocarbons, and nitrogen.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tropical Storm Delays Space Shuttle's Move

I am reading this article, Tropical Storm Delays Space Shuttle's Move
By Tariq Malik, on

Monday, August 18, 2008

Nighthawk Monthly Meeting

There is a meeting scheduled for this Sunday, 24 August 2008, at 1400.
Meeting is free and open to the public.
Civil discussions of science fact and science fiction are welcome.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Crew Visits Goddard One Last Time Before Hubble Mission

I am reading this story Crew Visits Goddard One Last Time Before Hubble Mission
by Mike Weiss, HST on NASA's website.
According to this story, there is a mission scheduled for this October to do repair work on the Hubble Space Telescope.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

V: East Coast Crisis

I started reading this book V: East Coast Crisis by Howard Weinstein and A.C. Crispin.
I missed A.C. Crispin at Shore leave 30.
However I plan to read her novels based on the V miniseries and television show.

Moon and Jupiter

I heard this story, Moon and Jupiter, on NPR this morning.
According to this, there is a mission scheduled for three years for now, to send a spacecraft called Juno to study Jupiter.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Meteor Shower Tonight

I heard on NPR this morning's Stardate story that there is a meteor shower tonight.
I am reading this story, Perseid Meteors, on Stardate's website.

Friday, August 8, 2008

I Want To Believe -- new X-file movie

Mike and I went to see the new X-files movie for the second time last night. It is very good. I would describe it as subtle. It was my kind of "X-files" story. It was really nice to see Mulder and Scully back together. Sadly, it may be for the last time, since the movie is not doing very well commercially.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Explaining Dark Energy

I am reading this story, Explaining Dark Energy, on StarDate Online's website.
I heard the first part on NPR yesterday.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Water Ice on Mars

According to an article in the Progress Index, scientists have confirmed the discovery of water ice on Mars.