Apollo 8 launched on 21 December 1968.
The orbit around the Moon occurred on 24 December 1968.
The crew returned to Earth on 27 December 1968.
Frank Borman was Commander for the mission.
Frank Borman was Commander for the mission.
I am reading this article, NASA Readies Hardware for Test of Astronaut Escape System, on NASA's website.
This Constellation Program sounds interesting.
According to this article:
Dr. Sarah Spiegel is a professor and chair of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and co-leader of the Massey Cancer Center's Cancer Cell Biology Program.
Dr. James M. Russell III is a Hampton University atmospheric and planetary sciences professor and Center for Atmospheric Sciences co-director.
Dr. Jack Musick is Marshall Acuff Professor of Marine Science at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary
According to this article, Ms. Nicole Kuepper won two Australian Museum Eureka Prizes for her scientific research.
She developed a cheap method of producing solar cells called the iJET cell concept.
She is a lecturer in the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering at the University of New South Wales and a PhD Candidate UNSW.
I found one of her papers, PHOTOVOLTAIC TECHNOLOGIES FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, at this website: http://www.pv.unsw.edu.au/documents/PV_Technology_for_Dev_Countries_Sep07.pdf