Monday, June 11, 2007

WhoPays For E-Waste? Washington state sticks manufactures with recycling tab by Tekla S. Perry

I am reading Tekla S. Perry's article, Who Pays For E-Waste? Washington state sticks manufactures with recycling tab, in the July 2006 issue of IEEE Spectrum Magazine.
I want to check on state laws in the USA regarding electronic waste.
Recycling of old electronic equipment is needed but who has to pay for it?


Remi Reda said...

I think this is a brilliant idea :))
Recycling the technical waste!!! Are we going to see anything relating to recycling the information waste (data) and space taken for no reason???

MichaelWLewis said...

Regarding recycling the information waste and space taken for no reason,
I am not sure I understand your question.
Thanks for the post.